
Welcome to Varied Expressions of Worship

Welcome to Varied Expressions of Worship

This blog will be written from an orthodox Christian point of view. There may be some topic that is out of bounds, but at present I don't know what it will be. Politics is a part of life. Theology and philosophy are disciplines that we all participate in even if we don't think so. The Bible has a lot to say about economics. How about self defense? Is war ethical? Think of all the things that someone tells you we should not touch and let's give it a try. Everything that is a part of life should be an expression of worship.

Keep it courteous and be kind to those less blessed than you, but by all means don't worry about agreeing. We learn more when we get backed into a corner.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Opus 2016-265: Thanks Thoughts: Old Dog, New Trick

We were visiting the church that one of our auto mechanics attends.  We figured that if he went there it would be a solid church.  The music was typical boring praise team stuff but the preaching was excellent.  I was also communion Sunday.  One of the tweaks put on the service was when the pastor led of in a repetition of one reason Jesus gave us for this moment:
(1 Corinthians 11:24 KJV)  And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me.
He had us repeat, “Lord, I remember.”  I had never thought of that.  It seemed so obvious.  Now as I do my daily Eucharist I have begun to develop the habit of repeating, “Lord, I remember.”

It isn’t magic.  It isn’t an eleventh commandment.  It does add meaning.

homo unius libri

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Comments are welcome. Feel free to agree or disagree but keep it clean, courteous and short. I heard some shorthand on a podcast: TLDR, Too long, didn't read.